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FREE Defibrillator Community Training Day


Fri 5 April 24


9.30am – 5.30pm no booking needed

In partnership with Sudbury Team Defib, we are holding a community training and awareness day to teach people how to use a defibrillator, which could save someone’s life!

A defibrillator can mean the difference between life and death to someone suffering cardiac arrest, especially if it is used within a minute of someone collapsing. We have many defibrillators in our community, but would you have the confidence to use one?

Only 40% of bystanders are confident in using a defibrillator. With Sudbury Team Defib and the support of organisations to deliver training, we aim to change this! The sessions are short and will give you confidence to be able to use a defibrillator if you are ever in the position to do so. 

No need to book, just turn up. If you need to wait for your turn, you can enjoy a nice cuppa from our cafe!