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Stories and Learning

The team at Sudbury Arts Centre are a dedicated group of individuals passionate about making and embracing difference, and we’re always looking for ways to make a positive impact.

Renovation & Repair

The former church underwent a significant renovation and repair project that spanned four years and concluded in 2023. The goal was to improve the infrastructure of the historic building while being sympathetic to its history and journey.

The Friends of St Peter’s identified a need for the building to engage new and young volunteers and better connect with the community. As a result, The Churches Conservation Trust embarked on a major project funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund to repair and improve the facilities at St Peter’s Church, including essential improvements such as new toilets, a modern kitchen and bar, and a lift to make the space more versatile.

The repairs to the roof were essential, as, without them, the building would have become unusable in just a few years. But there is still more work to be done, particularly when it comes to community engagement and heritage skills workshops. The hope is that Sudbury Arts Centre will continue to serve as a beloved gathering place for generations to come.

Our Heritage

With a rich history dating back to the 14th Century, the building is a testament to the area’s heritage. Take some time to discover the story behind the iconic landmark and learn about St Peter’s origins. Find out more about its journey to becoming Sudbury Arts Centre.

Heritage, stories and learning, Sudbury arts centre
Education, stories and learning, Sudbury arts centre


We are thrilled to be offering exciting and educational heritage workshops for schools and families. The workshops, stories and learning are designed to be fun and creative. History will unfold as we delve into the past and look to the future of our new Arts Centre.