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Live Music | Carter Sampson £12


Sat 15 June 24


8pm (Doors 7.30pm)

This event is unreserved seating.  We have limited Free tickets for companions of disabled visitors.  Please contact us before booking to ensure that this is available. email – tel 07799 424078

LATES AT SUDBURY ARTS CENTRE – LIVE MUSIC – Carter Samson Tour – £12+booking fee

“Sampson sings from the heart. Nothing is sugar coated. She’s as real as her red dirt roots or the red cowboy boots that she proudly wears” – Country Standard Time

Carter Sampson is a multi award-winning singer/songwriter born and raised in Oklahoma. She tours nationally and internationally, playing both solo and with her trio and band, and has performed in the UK several times. Blessed by a musical family legacy that includes none other than the great Roy Orbison, she’s released six studio albums to date, with her last two albums Lucky and Gold attracting much international attention. She recalls the trials and tribulations of recording Gold during lockdown: ‘Kyle Reid and I recorded side one of Gold at my house–he brought over a car-load of recording equipment and set up shop in my living room. Then Covid hit and we recorded the B-side in a socially-distant studio with cords and cables running in and out of the windows!’

Sat 15 Jun 2024, 8:00PM