The Suffolk Villages Festival presents
The Gonzaga Band: The Age of Monteverdi – £18/14
Sunday 21 April
6pm, Sudbury Arts Centre
The Gonzaga Band: Faye Newton soprano, Jamie Savan cornett, Steven Devine harpsichord & chamber organ
We return to Sudbury’s newly refurbished St Peter’s for this fascinating exploration of music from courts and churches of early seventeenth-century Italy. SVF regulars Faye Newton and Steven Devine are joined by the leading cornett player Jamie Savan. Motets and madrigals of Claudio Monteverdi, virtuoso and highly expressive by turns, are matched by equally enticing music by Merula, Marini, Donati, Calestani, Rossi & others.
Tickets: £18 (reserved) & £14 (unreserved) from or on the door –
Half-price tickets are available to full-time students and those under 30.